history and humanity part 1, anthropology
- They taught humans how to build and worshipped as gods.
- Calligraphy
- subtraction. There are no subtraction in commies' history? No.
- label things in English
- sing a song
- Aztec calendar is a fake. It's made of concrete, but at that time concrete hasn't been invented yet?
- Aztec calendar sun stone base 10? (fake)
- To carve a stone you need a lot of iron tools. Sometimes stone is just too hard for the iron tools to carve. So stone carving is impractical. Impossible. Fake.
- The average amount of vocabulary of an average American is much more than that of a Chinese(average).
- Commies don't pay people, they cut corners.
- When translating English names, most Chinese books doesn't include the real English names, only gives the translated names.
- What's the physical explanation of mixing blue and red color turning into black color? Pigment size?
- never takes photos no more
- Hamilton dynamics is so intricate that only mothers can invent it.
- Stone painting in caves is probably fake? At ancient time only plant-based inks are available. Those inks won't last long. (plant pigment in honey?)
- eye evolution? ability to discern subtle color differences.
- Why there are no female painters in medieval time?
- If we can get black color from mixing colors, why do we need black ink in printers?
- Weird, moon's appearance doesn't change much in a month. After a month, moon return to new moon more or less. There should be two times every year that earth will block the sun light to the moon. Lunar eclipse. Blood moon.
- What tool do they use to measure the period of moon?
- Prediction of blood moon --> witchcraft
- Only for saving people can we use the method from green arrow?
- In bronze and Iron Age, you need copper and iron ore. But ore are hard to locate and identify. So how come every civilization has copper and iron ore? in bronze and Iron Age.
- Bog iron ore hunter?
- The children of other people are less important than our own. Barbarian sin.
- Kept their subject drunk and distracted so they don't recognize how oppressed they were.
- Hate becomes your reason for living when you've lost everything that you love.
- Forgiveness is something you give to yourself.
- The existence of metal in five basic elements is understood only by English people. Same with the knowledge of metal. Because metal doesn't occur naturally on earth. They take their form of oxide. It's very hard to extract metal from their oxide. So ancient people won't include metal in five basic elements. Only people who know the knowledge of metal will include metal in basic elements.
- It probably takes ton of knowledge to locate wells of water. At ancient time probably only English people can do it.
- Since 1977, there has been no death penalty under French law.
- Did apes know the concept of organizing?
- 1885 astronomy, chemistry are popular science, 2005 trash
- 防火梯
- stock is against god's will, if people are not educated enough.
- Music box is the only way to listen to music at home in the 19th century.
- The greatest sins in human history have been committed in the name of love.
- True history has context.
- Never met my relatives on my father's side.
- You'll find your solution where you least suspect it.
- People who speak Spanish are probably more evolved than us because they can vibrate their tongues. Thailand and nearby countries are probably more evolved than us too because
- 12 hours are from 12 horoscopes?
- an hour is 60 minutes is from stars, because there are many starts in an hour?
- Kepler needs tiny increment to measure the position of stars.
- Millie Bobby Brown is a little bit rude? Because her eye contact with Ellen is not long enough. Just a little bit, because when with Fallon, she won't insist on speaking when both are speaking.
- People obey because they think they have no other choice.
- Fight for future, don't fight for revenge.
- word game (scramble?) --> advanced languages have word games.
- Only focus on times being right, forgetting times being wrong. Irrafable?
- adding machine
- European people have better memory. They have total recall. They are more evolved. Spanish too.
- My chair is badly designed. Bad for my back.
- 寫實派畫家應該比印象派畫家重要,因為他們紀錄了歷史,重要人物的畫像,戰爭的畫像,等等。全世界的教育都過度強調印象派,忽略了寫實派的重要性。mother's test.
- 探險大部分時間都是一望無際的等待。
- never think of my pet 甜甜
- 木頭無法融化,古人用最多的就是木頭。那古人如何解釋木頭的三態?
- 原始人並不勇敢。但有信仰的人,可以變得很勇敢。視死如歸。這就是哲學?納粹主義?
- I'll fight for your cause. Not through fear and manipulation, but through compassion and reason
- 大概只有安格魯人有Iron age 或玻璃, 因一沒有夠熱的火爐,二沒有鐵礦。
- copper cyprus
- 我們都忽略了木器時代,石器時代之前是木器時代,還應該加上繩結時代。
- 原始人喜歡看好戲,看人自相殘殺,原罪。
- 原始人排外傾向,原罪。
- Egypt, Greece, China無進位觀念,就無加法。無進位觀念就需要很多符號表示數字。有進位觀念就可重複使用數字1~9來表示所有整數。這觀念不知是否人類等了上千年?place holder。應該是英國人發現進位觀念與加減乘除。+法過人?一百減四無法形成100-4=96因爲進位觀念。無加減法。加法出現之前可能是用counting board.
- 德國人很嚴謹,是因為mother英國人很嚴謹。
- 傳統弓箭(能拿來打獵的)應該非常難做,應該只有嚴謹的英國人才做得出來。
- 英國人因為打繩結訓練頭腦上千年,因此在演化上頭腦已經比其他國家的人都更進步?可分成十二階級?
- 聽力也更發達?絕對音感更普遍。
- I always have a plan.
- 只有承認自己錯誤後才有辦法真正客觀。腦內波型的關係,承認錯誤後才有辦法用未開發的腦波去思考更寬廣的角度。
- mother已經找到不用殺生的吃的方式。
- 只有真的沒辦法才能使用green vigilante的伸張正義的方式?
- 時間的長短month?四季?
- bayesian principle
- Before Newton, ancient people already knew F proportional to mv^2/r, from circular motion.
- Human used to be polygamous, meaning multi-husband, multi-wife. Children are taken care of by near-by adults. There're no father, mother, son, daughter. Children didn't know who is their father or mother.
- Ancient people are arrogant. They think they know everything. So when they see new technology they won't think what good it may bring them. Me too, when I saw iPhone 13. We only think of the bad side!!! It's natural. So we have to look again.
- New is bad. Old is good. Because old means it stands the test of time. But the new stuff brought by mother has already passed the test of time. We don't need to test it again. It can save us hundreds of years. We see new as dangerous.
- Honor is the backbone of civilization. To be or not to be.
- If Chinese civilization didn't have fire, how can they have ceramics?
- geometry
- eunuch
- What does it mean when a sparrow slightly spreads it's wings and chirping and lowering it's body and jumping around?
- Human's natural state is to be slave, be loyal to a leader. Like lots of animals.
- jealousy
- sense of inferiority, low-self worth
- too defensive
- lack of openness
- all human are human, love all human
- no sharing
- Secrets are what make crimes possible?
- Water and land belong to everyone? But one can have private house and money?
- One has to be responsible for his work?
- now.getxtra-pc.io
- 一般人根本沒時間進修
- this means war
- coming to America
- 12/25 spectre, Japan
- 台灣有點壞掉了
- 得意忘形。二戰後美國沒有一場戰爭是打贏的。
- Sex under 18 years old should be banned. Sex before marriage probably should be banned too. Because from the moment after sex, trouble comes. First you will all the time be worried if the female gets pregnant. It will last 1~3 months. If you are unlucky and the female gets pregnant, then the trouble will follow you for ever, if you are not prepared. Even if you choose to abort the child, the guiltiness of killing will follow you for ever. It's the worries that will bother you all the time. Sex is not a easy and enjoyable thing.
- You may experience anger and regret for not letting go of your sexual desire. But it can be fixed by intense exercises.沒有發洩慾望的後悔,不安,不開心,生氣。
- 社區會議沒有人要參加。一盤散沙。
- Everyone just wants to know what's the next big thing?
- How to deal with bullying!!!
- The drawback of porn is when you hear a teenage girl is raped by a gangster, the porn scene emerge in your head. Kind of turned on. You should feel empathy instead.
- When we see weird people, your parents teach us to stay away, not report to police or something. They teach us to don't care.
- 不做最強的,就是被吃掉。
- 你不拿,照樣有人會拿走。到時候又有什麼意外,划不來。與上一點一樣都是絕對化了。
- 潘威廉 廈門大學。麻泊賽
- makerpro.cc
- www.learnwihkak.com
- 百年孤寂,magical realism, 九把刀
- TW is not at the wheels of our bodies. TW needs help.
- 2022 Jan 29 Bloodshot
- controlling, omnipotent, selfish 我大學時期三項全中。
- 我們內心深處認為我們比黑人高等,文明。
- 從小被教導贏就是棒,輸就是差的腦波。害怕輸。錯誤的教育。因此經常害怕。經常比較。害怕變成了下意識反應。活在恐懼中。不開心不快樂。因此常以控制權來減少自己的害怕。害怕-->經常做惡夢,睡不好。要學會正確輸的心態。
- 不做第一,風景不會變。sled dog race.凡事都要爭第一。
- 因為,一,沒有哲學觀,二,認為錢最重要。所以,什麼事都做得出來,偷拐搶騙。
- What does it mean to be human?
- 都太直接,不會委婉,從沒低頭過。
- 看不起衣服破爛的人。看不起沒錢的人。
- 陽具崇拜。
- 很會講但不會去做。一般人是去做過實做過後才會講。沒做過就會講是從小就會說謊的類型。知道光說不練(講垃圾話)的好處。但很少被拆穿過。喜歡取巧。自然演化的話多數人都是這樣子?祢已看過太多遍。
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