Mar 6, 2020




• 共產慣用伎倆

– turbotax表面稱免費,廣告大打免費,但讓你花了三小時後才崩潰發現要錢,然後說你自己沒看清楚,指責IRS也沒要求他要怎麼做

∗ 超難用使用者介面,用陷阱讓你點錯,讓你花錢

∗ youtube video

∗ William Mercado

∗ 照片ccp_sop_case_turbotax.png in download

• 打著共產口號,實行獨裁,自己爽歪歪,大家慘兮兮蝦

– 主要課程

– 宣傳維穩術

∗ 欺騙術(日本公告全國人民中途島大勝)(壞事不出門)

∗ 隱瞞事實術

∙ 珍珠港後新聞全部封鎖

∙ 全部軍人禁止與親友接觸(挖,這要很多人監視ㄟ)

∙ geo locking,讓人民看不到國外資訊

∙ 不得擅自接受媒體採訪(北韓首都內所有商家)

∙ 武漢肺炎(蓋個 臨時收容中心 硬要說成 醫院)

∗ 魅力術,

∙ 好感傳播,製造傳說,塑造個人魅力。譬如: 眼光獨到的軍事天才,高貴的,富有遠見的,神聖的和平主義者。

∙ 偉大的民族復興。幾帶幾路。

∙ 親民術(與百姓打成一片,白手起家,吃苦耐勞)

∗ 爭取同情術?

∙ 新疆鎮壓行動中的維吾爾族兒童 AMY QIN 2019年12月30日

共產黨中央解釋: 中國的做法與加拿大、美國和澳洲過去的政策形成呼應,這些國家都曾將原住民兒童與他們的家庭分開,把兒童送進寄宿學校,對他們進行強制性同化。


∗ 報復術(栽贓術)

∙ (斷章取義,潑髒水術)一點小批評,就說你辱華,反動(反對社會的動力,勢力)組織,說你賣國。台灣稱為反社會的想法。在台灣就幫你灌上反社會(anti-social)的帽子,然後叫一大堆人背後指點你,叫你去找人談談(然後就安排樁腳老師,指責你)。

∙ 其實共產就是反社會

∗ 栽贓術(報復術) (p2 A15~25, p2 B21~23, p2 B1~15, p2 C2)

∙ 居心不良,政治偏見

• 中英對照超棒


• 美少女夢工廠等等日本遊戲,殘害年輕人。就像pachigo一樣。就是殺人,殺小孩。走法律漏洞吧,無法可管就可以這樣嗎?

• CD-ROM or DVD-ROM,設計者設計得蠻遭的,不要不承認,常常CD或DVD放的時候只要一點點不平,進碟時就會卡住,卡住可是會刮傷刮壞碟片耶!!!搞得人家放的時候要很小心膽戰心驚。馬的,有沒有那麼難設計。MO基與軟碟好像比較好。

• MS windows certificate window has a width that is way to narrow. This is like saying “don't look here, it is too dirty and dark business. Nothing to look. Go away!”

• 2020/1/25 Git GUI, try to git clone “opensuse kernel” repo [], stuck, with no response. No message diplayed after clicking on clone button. Tried twice.

– can try singing in and fork

• MS app OneNote: One big failure. No calendar. There are a few goodness, but there is a big problem that stop me from using it. You can not save it to a file. It saves to the cloud automatically, but if sync failed there is only a internal memory that you won't be able to take out. Who would design it that way?

– Evernote: a mess, online version and download version. Doesn't seem to have a calendar.

– Google calendar, still didn't improve after all 10 years.

∗ task bar items are too widely separated, you can only see five tasks at a time. Quite useless.

∗ main calendar window are jammed to the middle, you can only see a small part of your schedule (a stupid design. just like MS online outlook web app. Stupid design people.)

– yahoo calendar -> account is region locked, why cant yahoo be like google, just one universal account. There is yahoo TW and yahoo US (account-wise), and they are not compatible.

– sucks, i think, haha, no calendar

– mac calendar blocking, no task list

– so only choice is latex?

• Ubuntu LTS

– no gcc, no latex, no openvpn, no traceroute, no python

• 《華爾街日報》通過上百次採訪以及自行對谷歌搜索結果進行測試後有以下發現:?谷歌對演算法的修改讓大公司在搜索結果上比小公司獲得更多關照。

– 實例: 我查 中英網路字典,出來第二名居然是一個完全沒有中翻英功能的網站詞典/英語-漢語-繁體/,只因他是劍橋?

• 中共網路阿杯文章,摳手皮就說你有精神病,智障阿杯,

cyberghost vpn location mismatch

twitter上不了 只好記錄在這

cyberghost vpn location mismatch