Sep 11, 2019


Netflix stream can fail randomly, even with optimized servers (US).
Microsoft movie watching problem, but can login to microsoft account page.
PWD compromised 3 times.
Startup interuption with cyberghost 7 service not running message. If you
click no startup will abort. If you click on yes the Windows authentication
window will pop up and ask you to confirm to run cyber.exe /startservice.
Obviously some scourndrel don't know how to write a software.
9/11 US amazon prime server doesn't work. Amazon website says
you are using vpn service.
Netflix quality not good? Granular pixel.
Netflix can go to mainpage but can't start streaming movie.
9/5/19 upgraded, connection fine, didn't see tap window adapter issue.
CA#118 Netflix streaming Error code: U7111-5059
VA#7 Netflix streaming fine
Microsoft movie watching problem, but can login to microsoft account page.
Hulu quality good.(at school)
Hulu problem at home with china telecom.
 All(four) of LA server hulu P-EDU101 VPN error. (non premium)
signup process is smooth. Not like cyberghost.
Netflix streams fine at ncku with US LA server.
Connecting to a server will actually block internet. (DNS error)
HTML Netflix version streaming error UI3012
9/5/19 Fatal all tap windows adapter in use, can't connect to vpn servers. Solution
is go to internet and center, adapter setting, enable ether 5 connection(nordvpn). It
is documented in nordvpn online help.

8/28/19 can't connect from home, LA nor Seattle nor washDC. Protonvpn fine.
9/11/19 Changing connection cities didn't change wireshark destination ip,
 indicating a serious bug. Restarting computer also didn't help. Have
 to manually disable and enable network adapter of expressvpn.
 IP fetched from expressVPN differed from wireshark destination.
 Amazon prime streaming is blocked from Seattle and Salt lake City servers.

What's missing in our education:
Computer class
When I was in college, I found I waste a lot of time on basic computer software because I lack the basic knowledge. When I was making my projects, I encountered a lot of problems which I knew I didn't have to encounter if I learned it from a manual. Even the basic concept of Office is not introducted in my college and I had to trial and error most of the time. If I learned it systematically, I wouldn't need to trial and error and waste my time unwisely.
I think what is lacking is a computer class. A computer class that shows all the necessary softwares used in college. Nowadays a student's work is done mostly on computers. So it can't be overemphasized.
This may be partly due to the piracy phenomanom in Asia. It is like we stole the software but forgot to steal the manual. We want to give our students the best tools but we forget to show them how to use it. They are left to try it in the dark to find out how to use it.
I remembered one time I encounter a unicode problem with one of my physics projects.
Can we leave it to Google? Just google it when students have problems.

Declarative command makes complicated engraving like repeat with different melody and lyrics easier
than drag-and-drop-note working flow. (Actually I never tried the latter so I can't compare)

Most VPN reviews on youtube or websites didn't really try it. They have many words,
but they didn't give action.

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