Apr 21, 2016


  1. 被老闆用不正當手段威嚇,如何保護自己,隨時做好準備
  2. 埋頭苦幹勤能補拙只想找個安穩工作努力賺錢的時代已經過了,不進步,可能就會被淘汰
  4. 花了二十年建立的信用毀於一旦,要重新再花二十年來建立
  5. 勞基法修正案薪資計算討論2016/11/1
  6. 為自己爭取權利
  7. 現在的人真的好幸福好棒棒,連基本勞動權利都要自己爭取
  8. 國小到高中的教育好文http://blog.yam.com/eoiss/article/184001829
  9. the American old and vintage spirits are fading.
    One thing I like about the country, not America, I lived in is I can see sparrows every single day. Well, not only sparrows but all species of birds, but sparrows are the most common. When I was in the states I felt like I remembered I didn't see sparrows this often. I did see a wild woodpecker in the balcony one time, but that's only one time in my ten years in the states in big cities. I saw eagles once in a while. Here I see all kinds of different birds every single day, even in big cities. I even saw one time two sparrows quarreling and wrestling and there is a third sitting on the fence squeching or yelling, and time and time again used it's head to push the losing sparrow, "get up!", almost like it has put a lot of money in the pot.
    "Sparrow? What do you want to say about this plain subject?", you may wonder. One good thing about the old America is people were strong but at the same time their profiles were low. We can see this from the surname they had and passed on. Sparrow is a surname. You got to be very content in your heart to bear a bird's name in your surname. But no doubt you can go big. In the movie Pirates of the Caribbean, Captain Jack Sparrow has this surname. Although his signature is kind of peculiar, at the end of the day (or in the big scheme of things), he is the one who kicked ass. Eagles, woodpeckers are special, appealing and eye-catching. But in the end it probably comes down to the inside. Stay low to jump high.
  10. https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1478190631.A.907.html

Apr 20, 2016

誠實豆沙包 之 好文推薦

  1. 一個作品花費了多少心血,可以從"花了多少努力將它呈現出來"看出端倪
  2. 社會價值在改變
  3. Cables, Connectors, n' Plugs
  4. 人生就是要準備好很多條暢通的訊號傳輸線、傳輸電纜,以迎接人跟人之間各式不同頻率的交流。還要準備好不同的傳輸接頭,來提供隨插即用的轉換管道,就像不同語言間的溝通一樣。還要準備好各式的電源插頭,這樣到哪裡都能為自己充電。別小看這些東西的準備時間。這就是,上萬條電線電纜接頭插頭的傳輸人生。- GSS.
  5. 花時間去觀察,路遙知馬力,日久見人心
  6. 相當專業的分享(專業電腦排版),請看他github中的LaTeX tutorial_zh.pdf檔。整份教學文件我都看完,覺得學到好多。教學文件找不到一個錯字或一個typo,真是相當用心。甚至比某些傳統出版社還用心多了,因為一般人可能不會知道,校稿校對是一件相當花時間且需要一直重複進行的動作,作者相當用心阿。而且所使用的技術比傳統出版社自動化多了,已經可以說是專業的了。
  7. 思考工作的目的與意義http://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Tech_Job/M.1476630503.A.E37.html
  8. 清楚記錄自己的想法https://nyllep.wordpress.com/2013/02/06/observations-in-nctucs/
  9. 現在的人真可憐,連勞工的基本權益都要花時間自己爭取
    1. https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Salary/M.1477542990.A.934.html
    2. https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Salary/M.1477539439.A.4B5.html
    3. https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Salary/M.1477581922.A.932.html
    4. http://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Salary/M.1476316587.A.01F.html
    5. https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Employee/M.1475176145.A.E79.html
    6. http://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Employee/M.1476437191.A.614.html
  10. 一呼百應http://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/toberich/M.1476412417.A.49D.html
  11. 關於婚姻男女關係的維持https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/marriage/M.1475174306.A.F0C.html
  12. 年金改革深度計算https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PublicServan/M.1474964804.A.EE4.html
  13. 井底之蛙當然會覺得電容很好作沒什麼技術http://www.eet-china.com/news/article/201609261535
  14. 準備自己http://www.1111.com.tw/zone/ncku/discussTopic.asp?id=26246
  15. *必讀*  十年種樹,百年樹人http://disp.cc/m/163-8ELe
  16. 食神,有批好便宜的牛肉阿https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/JOB-Hunting/M.1472020600.A.E66.html
  17. 交流http:/news.sina.cn/2016-09-09/detail-ifxvueif6409087.d.html?from=wap
  18. 變通https://www.dcard.tw/f/food/p/600707
  19. 回歸樸實簡單
    1. http://www.jayaustin.info/2016/08/recap-reboot.html
  20. https://neganchor.com/2015/04/27/98/comment-page-1/#comment-721
  21. 腳步站不穩的可慘了。金字塔頂端看起來雖然只沉了一點,下面可是沉了一整片。
    1. 中小企業http://cj.sina.com.cn/article/detail/2949462582/55745?cre=financew&mod=f&loc=5&r=1&doct=0&rfunc=77&tj=none&column=china&ch=9
    2. 東莞撤離潮
      1. http://wechatinchina.com/thread-686974-1-1.html
      2. http://b5.secretchina.com/news/15/10/25/590530.html?%E9%9C%87%E9%A9%9A%EF%BC%812000%E5%A4%9A%E5%AE%B6%E5%8F%B0%E4%BC%81%E2%80%9C%E6%92%A4%E9%9B%A2%E2%80%9D%E6%9D%B1%E8%8E%9E%EF%BC%8C500%E8%90%AC%E5%B7%A5%E4%BA%BA%E5%A4%B1%E6%A5%AD%EF%BC%81(%E7%B5%84%E5%9C%96)
    3. 造船業http://finance.sina.cn/2016-08-30/detail-ifxvixsh6911215.d.html?from=wap
    4. 金屬精密加工http://m.sohu.com/n/467237065/?_trans_=000115_3w
    5. 低端製造業http://m.sohu.com/n/464133252/?_trans_=000115_3w
    6. 加劇http://www.ccstock.cn/subject/cycdbcjzezzgjjdlwjsk/
    7. 平面媒體電視媒體: 編輯|排版|設計 : 警報已響,前後夾擊
    8. 眼鏡,隱形眼鏡銷售量