Jan 11, 2015

[Vlog] thoughts on EnVyUs' recent struggle

expressed and recorded my thoughts on why envyus has been under performing recently, in a broader sense in professional e-sports scheme. Pardon my slow.....speaking..... [電腦遊戲:反恐菁英]

Talk about why EnVyUs is under performing recently in professional csgo from KT Gump on Vimeo.


Jan 5, 2015

Use Python mplot3D to create simple gyroscope motion animation

Here I use python to simulate the physical motion of a gyroscope. And use mplot3D library to animate the 3D gyroscopic nutation and precession of this symmetric top.

Jan 4, 2015

DIY 廢物利用 自製相機三腳架

自拍棒 + 兩根壞掉掃把的柄 + 三根舊鐵絲 + 一個綁頭髮的彈性繩圈,大概只能承受傻瓜相機的重量。專業的單眼就不行了。