current conda version and packages
C:\Documents and Settings\The One>conda list
# packages in environment at C:\Documents and Settings\The One\Anaconda:
_license 1.1 py27_0
anaconda 1.8.0 np17py27_0
apptools 4.2.0 py27_0
astropy 0.2.5 np17py27_0
atom 0.3.4 py27_0
beautiful-soup 4.3.1 py27_0
beautifulsoup4 4.3.1
binstar 0.3.1 py27_1
biopython 1.62 np17py27_0
bitarray 0.8.1 py27_0
blaze 0.3 np17py27_0
bokeh 0.2 np17py27_1
boto 2.15.0 py27_0
casuarius 1.1 py27_0
chaco 4.3.0 np17py27_1
colorama 0.2.7 py27_0
conda 3.19.0 py27_0 defaults
conda-env 2.4.5 py27_0 defaults
configobj 4.7.2 py27_0
cubes 0.10.2 py27_3
cython 0.19.2 py27_0
dateutil 2.1 py27_2
distribute 0.6.45 py27_0
docutils 0.11 py27_0
dynd-python 0.5.0 np17py27_0
enable 4.3.0 np17py27_0
enaml 0.8.3 py27_0
envisage 4.3.0 py27_0
flask 0.10.1 py27_1
gevent 0.13.8 py27_0
gevent-websocket 0.3.6 py27_2
gevent-zeromq 0.2.2
gevent_zeromq 0.2.5 py27_2
greenlet 0.4.1 py27_0
grin 1.2.1 py27_2
h5py 2.2.0 np17py27_0
imaging 1.1.7 py27_2
ipython 1.1.0 py27_0
ipython-notebook 1.1.0 py27_0
ipython-qtconsole 1.1.0 py27_0
itsdangerous 0.23 py27_0
jinja2 2.7.1 py27_0
keyring 3.2 py27_0
launcher 0.1.2 py27_0
libpython 1.0 py27_0
llvmmath 0.1.1 np17py27_2
llvmpy 0.12.0 py27_0
lxml 3.2.3 py27_0
markupsafe 0.18 py27_0
matplotlib 1.3.1 np17py27_0
mayavi 4.3.0 np17py27_2
mdp 3.3 np17py27_0
menuinst 1.3.2 py27_0 defaults
meta py27_0
mingw 4.7 1
msvc_runtime 1.0.1 vc9_0 [vc9] anaconda
networkx 1.8.1 py27_0
nltk 2.0.4 np17py27_0
nose 1.3.0 py27_1
numba 0.11.0 np17py27_0
numexpr 2.2.2 np17py27_0
numpy 1.10.1 py27_0 defaults
openpyxl 1.6.2 py27_0
pandas 0.12.0 np17py27_0
patsy 0.2.1 np17py27_0
pep8 1.4.6 py27_0
pil 1.1.7
pip 8.0.1 py27_0 defaults
ply 3.4 py27_0
psutil 1.1.2 py27_0
py 1.4.17 py27_0
pycosat 0.6.1 py27_0 defaults
pycparser 2.9.1 py27_0
pycrypto 2.6.1 py27_0
pyface 4.3.0 py27_0
pyflakes 0.7.3 py27_0
pygments 2.0.2 py27_0 defaults
pykit 0.1.0 np17py27_0
pyopengl 3.1.1a1 np110py27_0 defaults
pyparsing 1.5.6 py27_0
pyreadline py27_0
pysal 1.6.0 np17py27_1
pyside 1.2.1 py27_0
pytables 3.0.0 np17py27_1
pytest 2.4.2 py27_0
python 2.7.5 2
python-dateutil 1.5
pytz 2013b py27_0
pywin32 218.4 py27_0
pyyaml 3.11 py27_2 defaults
pyzmq py27_0
requests 2.9.1 py27_0 defaults
rope 0.9.4 py27_0
scikit-image 0.9.3 np17py27_0
scikit-learn 0.14.1 np17py27_0
scipy 0.13.0 np17py27_0
setuptools 19.4 py27_0 defaults
six 1.4.1 py27_0
sphinx 1.1.3 py27_4
spyder 2.2.5 py27_0
spyder-app 2.2.5 py27_0
sqlalchemy 0.8.3 py27_0
statsmodels 0.5.0 np17py27_0
sympy 0.7.3 py27_0
tables 3.0.0
tornado 3.1.1 py27_0
traits 4.3.0 py27_0
traitsui 4.3.0 py27_0
vtk 5.10.1 py27_0
werkzeug 0.9.4 py27_0
wheel 0.26.0 py27_1 defaults
xlrd 0.9.2 py27_0
xlwt 0.7.5 py27_0
C:\Documents and Settings\The One>
this setting can run GS Simulation software as is currently(v1,developing v2).
嘗試在windows32 xp上安裝pyopenGL到anaconda
用conda安裝一個virtual environment
conda create -n tonytest -c pyopengl pyopengl-accelerate menpo-pyvrml97 simpleparse numpy pydispatcher pillow
然後再用pip install的方式來裝openglcontext
pip install PyDispatcher PyVRML97 OpenGLContext
解決了第一步glutinit undefined問題
glCreateShader, glCreateShaderObjectARB undefined
Python 3.3 + Matplotlib 1.2.0 + numpy 1.7.0 + mpl_toolkits
FFmpeg needs to be installed on computer for creating animation mp4 films.