Jun 10, 2022

The question of fire


  • The fire was very rarely seen. So it couldn't be one of the five basic elements.
  • Do other civilizations have fire and can they control fire?
  • Because naturally occurring fire is a rare event in most environments?
  • Most civilizations probably have rarely or never seen fire. Maybe only the English people did. Not to mention to control fire.
  • Do Chinese people have fire?
  • If Chinese people didn't know how to control fire, how could they invent gunpowder?
  • Hand drill fire starting is a skill that requires the knowledge of friction and heat, it was not something that people would randomly do. And if you have tried it, you hands will get bruisers before you start a fire. So ancient people did not randomly start fire by playing with wood stick. Not all civilizations knew how to start a fire. Only English people did? 
  • English people invented the hand drill fire starting technique?
  • No fire --> no pottery
  • If the Chinese civilization didn't have fire, how could they have ceramics?
  • fire piston method
  • 我們應該沒有火,要不然為什麼火叫番仔火,代表火是外國人帶來的,我們並沒有火的中文名.

Jun 8, 2022

love and thunder part 3 facebook version


  • To navigate, first you need maps! Compass is not enough. You can't go straight with a compass. You will shift laterally without knowing it.
  • Is Silk Road true or fake?
    • So Silk Road is probably fake, because there is no road(so you can't use carts with wheels). And there are some landscapes that you simply can't cross (walking on sand in desert is hard, not to mention horse walking. It is simply too hot to cross a dessert.). You can't really use horses because your destinations don't necessary have grass.  And it is impossible to carry grass with you. And there is no maps to navigate (no records of maps), and there's no records of planning.
    • Ancient shoes are very uncomfortable, people simply could't walk for long distances.
    • What if someone gets sick in the middle of the trip and can't walk? and there is no village nearby?
    • There are always a group of great explorers, not just one. Marco Polo weird.
    • Marco Polo weird
      • How to trade resources with different tribes?
        • In order to communicate with different tribes, how many languages does Marco Polo speak?
        • Does Marco Polo have security guards? Trespassing? What happened when Marco Polo encounter thieves or gangsters?
        • Horse-back riding is impossible to endure long distance.
        • Where is Marco Polo's description of China?
        • Marco Polo's name never appeared in Chinese books?
      • Some natural obstacles are simply impossible to cross for Marco Polo, e.g. valleys, rivers, deserts.
      • How did Marco Polo navigate? Jump between small tribes/cities? So with a compass? And maps?

      • Why didn't Marco Polo keep a diary?
      • Portolan charts.
      • Marco Polo shouldn't have the maps to complete the Silk Road journey. It took too many maps.
      • An expedition will generally have a doctor, who takes care of sick members, a botanist, who collect edible greens, which provides essential vitamins, a navigator, who leads the road, and a captain. Also a vet, who takes care of the animals. Is it possible to provide food for so many people?
  • Map is still the main tool of navigation at sea, near shore of course.
  • Off-shore sailing is dangerous w/o knowing your position.
  • Ancient people would avoid getting lost on land, because it's dangerous. Not to mention on sea.
  • 鄭和下西洋 is probably fake? Off-shore sailing was dangerous, lacking water bases, no wind.
  • Ancient Whale hunting is fake. Whale is too heavy to be pulled.
  • When things break, lazy people don't fix it, they replace it. That's wrong. Mother's test. Right to repair movement.
  • Horse mystery. Horse feet. Horse hoot?
  • On a ship that is constantly moving, it is very hard to use astrolabe accurately enough to navigate. James Cook is probably fake. Map is still the main tool. Near-shore sailing of course.
  • Waves history. How ancient people understand ocean waves, and how they develop it into wave theory?
  • Corset history. When did bras become invented? When did underwear become invented?
  • English people was the only civilization that could recognize the concept of time?
  • Commies don't build safe exits in tunnels. No stairs no exists. Fire hazard.
Compass and Christopher Columbus
  • If you haven't been to a place, how can you be sure that the compass will point north there? Ancient people didn't know that the compass always pointed north because there were places they simply couldn't go. Plus they didn't know the origin of the earth's magnetic field.
  • So Columbus couldn't cross the Atlantic Ocean using a compass? It was fake? No one could cross the Atlantic Ocean w/o a navigating system. You will get lost and can't go back home. You can't properly anchor your ship because deep in the ocean the floor is several kilometers deep. If you let your ship drift at night you risk stranding your ship. Stranding ship means death. A navigating system was not invented until the 18th century, with the invention of precise clocks on the sea(from the book: the perfectionists, by Simon Winchester) This also means ships can only sail near-shore due to anchoring problems.
  • So Christopher Columbus didn't 'cross' the Atlantic? No matter who, the first people to discover North America probably went through Iceland, Greenland, Newfoundland, and then North America. Or they went through the long route, through India, China, and Alaska, establishing a base in Seattle. Because off-shore sailing is not possible due to anchoring problems?
  • The compass wasn't invented until the 19th century? Because you need to be sure that it will point north no matter where you are. And to be sure of this we need to know the origin of the earth's magnetic field. 
  • Ancient people probably did notice that the compass points north, but they don't know the reason. And they wouldn't use it on expeditions because they weren't sure if it was going to work.
  • It is not enough to navigate using only a compass. A compass couldn't lead you straight. If you don't know where you are, what is the purpose of finding a new land? And how do you go back home?
  • If the compass was invented very late, ancient people probably didn't know north? What does north mean? So getting lost means death. A map is crucial.
  • Sailing across the ocean with no anchoring is impossible, the ship would drift away at night when the crew is asleep.
  • How and when did ancient people form the concept of East, West, North, and South? If you want to say east with respect to the sun, you need to make sure the sun is far away enough. If the sun is not far away enough, when your position changes, the East will change because the sun's relative position will change. So when did people figure that Sun is far away enough? Probably during the ... 
  • How and when did ancient people find out that the polar star isn't rotating?
  • It seemed impossible to cross the Atlantic Ocean without steam engines? which is invented around 1750. In the ocean sometimes there is no wind. Near-shore sailing takes advantage of the temperature difference between land and sea. So there are a land breeze and sea breeze. Not very sure there is always wind off-shore deep in the sea. Unless they resort back to hand rowing?

  • So how did US become independent as early as 1776, just tens of years after navigation is invented and steam engine invented?

setting up water bases
  • Ancient people couldn't leave water sources very far because they can't carry water with them.
  • Roman Empire conquering Europe is fake?! Fake stories intended to win respect. It took a long time to train one horse. To have an army of horses like it's shown in a movie is quite impossible.
  • To travel long distances (on land or by sea), you need water storage. How did they store water and how did they access the water? With a valve? Valves hadn't been invented yet. With a laddle? How do they make a lid for the water barrel? 
  • To store water for a-hundred-people ship was impossible. So we need to set bases for water storage along the shore/route. The bases needed constant resupply.
  • So an expedition couldn't go too far in one go. They needed to set up water bases. And it required a lot of planning.
  • Even in the 20th century, there are civilizations that haven't invented cloth and lived in a primitive world.
  • Percy Fawcett was fake?
    • Horses couldn't be on expeditions, because they need to eat grass. You don't see expeditions carrying grass with them. And your destination doesn't necessarily have grass. Grass is too bulky to carry.
    • Horses are farm animal. They aren't suitable for expeditions.
    • It took a long time to train one horse. To have an army of horses like it's shown in a movie is quite impossible
  • These stories existed only to make us respect the old. So people naturally invented fake stories to win respect. It is a sin of being a human.
  • the big questions of "How"
    • How did peasants keep track of the date?
    • How can we go to a spot where no land exists on any map?
    • US's first lighthouse was in Oregon?
    • How many civilizations know how to use animal skin as clothes?
    • How many civilizations know how to make shoes?
    • How many civilizations know how to make chalk, ink, and maps?
    • How many civilizations know the stars actually rotate in the sky?
    • How many civilizations know about farming?
  • What did church teach people in the 6th century? Did they already know sin? Spreading the badness of sin?
  • I thought sin is for later people. But father was once primitive too, so they had sin too.
  • Church taught people everything, including beliefs.
  • Church are basically teachers.
  • In the 5th century, did the church tell people that Christ sacrifice for them?
  • Church --> witch-hunt
    • I thought church people are the most open. This means at that time the acceptance of the church was not open enough.
    • Middle age 5th - 15th
    • Dark age 5th - 10th
    • witch-hunt 1450 - 1750
  • Why do old people create so many lies? They want to control the whole world. They want to control the USA!!

  • Sensitive feelings are developed first in women apes, men comes later.
  • Horses are great swimmers?
  • Horses are good at directions but they can't create maps.
  • Girls and English people have better smelling abilities. They can tell the ingredients apart just by smelling them.

  • What happened to multi-languages web pages? No longer appeared in algorithms search results. Kind of facilitates geo-locking.
  • "unwilling to learn new knowledge and advanced tech.

  • Paper was invented real early. But to produce in large quantity took a long time. So it was until the end of middle age that paper could be produced in large quantities?
  • Speaking and hearing were developed much earlier than reading and writing. Most people in middle age were illiterate. Paper wasn't popular! Did kings keep their history in words in writings?
  • So characters probably became popular at the same time as the printing press. Characters probably developed at the same time as the printing press? Paper was made popular slightly earlier than that.
  • How did civilizations paint cave walls if they have no fire? They couldn't see. Could cave paintings be fake? Old people would create fake cave paintings just to fake and enrich their own history.
  • At least one person per household (Must be the head of the house?) could read? Where did that person learn reading from? Bibles were written in Latin?
  • Letters are needed when students wanted to learn on their own, so they don't need to wait for the teachers to speak and answer them.

  • In middle age, the paper wasn't popular, but it was something you can buy. There were probably paper stores.
  • Botanists would, I think, draw the edible plants on paper, with what painting tools? In the 15th century.
  • When did pet domestication occur? Animals used to be food? When did people start training animals like dogs and horses? When plantation starts. Dogs are used to herd sheep.
  • If commies could lie about cave paintings, they could lie about anything else, like language origin.
  • Math needs to be written on paper. Did church teach people math? Geometry also needs paper, rulers, and right angles.
  • Fire was very rarely seen. So it couldn't be one of the five basic elements.
  • Metals were rare too. It was very hard to extract metal from ore. So it couldn't be one of the five basic elements.
  • China probably didn't invent anything they claim they invented. Mind control of communist party.
  • Who invented the wheels and how?
  • Bells <-- discovered from clanging metal cups!

  • Spanish people probably first established bases in South America, hence the language stayed.
  • Because astronomy is a popular science, English people, students can advance and train their brain so their brain is more clever. Map making, 3D->2D. Calendar! - year, month, day
  • Astrolabe is an instrument so delicate that only English people can invent it.
  • Only using a compass can't navigate.

Kepler planet motions
  • How did Kepler know the distances of planets from the sun? On the shoulders of giants! And how did he know the periods?
  • Where did the data come from? There are probably a huge amount of people and efforts studying this, because, at that time, astronomy is a big deal! Probably the whole Royal academy is into this problem.
  • Relative to earth-sun distance? Hold on, who is rotating who? Maybe Mars-Earth distance is more correct? But this distance varies a lot! Distances to the earth are the data we measured on earth.
  • ?? To measure the distance of planets, first we measure the size by measuring how long the planet covers the moons, then we can estimate how far by converting size to angle.
  • Before month is created, ancient people just say day 321?
  • Fathers are very good at animals, they can tell animal's emotions?
  • Why a flock of birds won't collide when they fly and turn?
  • Month - zodiac are related
  • Taiwan is so near China that it's impossible Taiwan is not mind-controlled by China.
  • Helio solar god rides on for horses --> there were no horse carriages invented at that time?
  • my pronunciation is never right.
  • Dr. Becky's youtube, speed of light

  • Commies cover-up. Chinese top o bottom writing style, right to left writing style. Space for typo correction. English does have a line of empty space. Chinese doesn't seem to have it. (In ancient time, before erasing is possible. Impractical.
  • Chinese doesn't seem to have comma sentence structure to connect two sentences? All sentences are independent?
  • Calligraphy on paper with right-to-left column-wise writing is simply impractical. Have to raise your hands? in mid air? Impractical --> meaning it is probably not used by most people. Or there was no calligraphy. Commies' lies.
  • great teacher --> fun childhood. How record player works? Compare vinyl and DVD disks. How vinyl disks are made?

phonetic language
  • Phonetic language is probably more advanced than 語素文字。
  • 拼音文字只要二十六個字就可表示所有文字。
  • Chinese characters are a memory burden. logogram, phonogram
  • The problem of Chinese characters clearly emerges when it comes to keyboard input. To input a word we need to resort to it's sound, and the shape of the word becomes extra burden and useless.
  • But strictly speaking, English is not entirely phonetic? Mother's test?
  • Hearing ability. European people have better hearing ability. They can separate different instruments in a song. Spainish song is a good start. Salsa.
  • Not enough vocabulary, needs lots of words to describe things.
  • In order to remember shape of the word, the drawback is one will have not enough vocabulary.
  • 為方向,樹木取名字
  • shape -> sound
  • If you use shape for naming, you still need to have a sound for it because you need sound to communicate. If you use sound for naming, you lose the shape meaning, but you gain more due to simplicity. You just need to remember once.
  • Logogram - inferior, phonogram - superior
  • logogram doesn't tell you how to pronounce the word.
  • Logogram is not for communication, they are useful in road signs, etc.

Jun 2, 2022

自大的缺點 5


  • 自大的人不會溝通,聽不下別人講話。
  • 自大的人不會合作。(super Mario two players mode. csgo no team work)
  • 自大的人無法當魔術師
  • 自大的人也不會演戲
  • 自大的人比較沒有sense
  • 自大的人控制不了自己臉部的肌肉
  • 自大的人愛說大話,喜歡加油添醋,會不自覺加重語氣。
  • 自大的人說話有漏洞,說謊也有漏洞。
    • 因為MOFA在教育孩子的時候就教育假的事實,因此自大的人不疑有他也會相信這些假的事實。
    • 這些事實是MOFA精心設計過,自大的人不會發現,只有自大關起來的人才會發現這些事實是假的。
    • 自大的人說話前後不一致,無法自圓其說。
    • 自大的人說謊時不知道說的謊不合理,自己不知道。
    • 自大的人講話無法講重點,無法專注在一件事情上,講事情跳來跳去。我以前寫作文就是。
    • 自大的人講話很大聲。
  • 自大的人只會做重複的事情,只會死背。死背就是自大的人?是的。
  • 自大的人喜歡騙人,喜歡作弊。
  • 自大的人經常在恐懼。
  • 自大的人經常在指責。
  • 自大的人最終會侵蝕自己的健康,因為內心conflict。
  • 自大會侵蝕你的內心。
  • 自大的人不會慢泳不會長泳,我以前就是。找不到腳打水的根本奧義,只會快游,只會快。
  • 自大的人不會誠實。誠實才是根本,基礎。人生的第一步,承認錯誤,誠實。
  • 自大的人口是心非,自己卻不知道。
  • 自大的人牙齒不好。
  • 自大的人追求帥,但柔才是謙虛。Gentleman。不知溫和的力量。溫和不以自我為中心。
  • 自大的人不會拉小提琴。

  • 考試只考死背的東西。但創造力要怎麼測?
  • 自大的人容易上當受騙,察覺不出哪裡有異狀。就像the walking dead裡的Andrea相信governor一樣。自大的人看不出假笑。
  • 自大的人以為假笑可以騙過人,以為假好心可以騙過人。
  • 自大的人只騙得過自大的人。
  • 自大的人有時不知道為何自己會做那樣的決定。
  • 自大的人的小孩邏輯有缺陷,會認為大多數情況只有一條路可走。多樣化的腦波還沒有被訓練出來。
  • 青少年若沒有指引沒有把自大關起來一定變自大的人。
    • 青少年看不見大局,總覺得只有一條路可走。
  • 自大的人的小孩一定調皮搗蛋。
  • 自大的人容易被蚊子咬?
  • 想吃就吃也會養成自大?
  • 愛是基礎,自大的人不懂愛。之後會講什麼是愛。
  • 自大的人計劃趕不上變化,因不知道變化可以有多多。
  • 自大的人無法喝罐裝礦泉水不碰到嘴巴。

  • 自大的人很固執,很難相處。
  • 自大的人活在自己的世界,沒有別人。
  • 自大的人借完東西都不會還。
  • 自大的人打呼,磨牙??
  • 自大的人自己不知道自己承受多大的壓力,以為自己可以承擔一切壓力。
  • 自大的人愛開空頭支票。
  • 自大的人言行不一致。
  • 自大的人講不出自己的缺點。
  • 吃飯皇帝大,就是沒有食物的真正歷史。一種自大。
  • 食物沒有吃完,才是對的?因為硬要吃吃飽飽是一種原罪,會引發吃飽才是重要的習慣?古時候人都是很瘦的?還是不能每餐都吃飽?
  • 自大的人在落後恐懼時無法思考,會亂了陣腳。
  • 自大的人舌頭不會健康,我以前就是這樣。
  • 自大的人外強中乾,身材倒三角。事實上腿跟屁股的肌肉大才重要。
  • 自大的人因為跟人比較壓力太大,每天都覺得要瘋掉,隨時都在跟人比較。
  • 當漂亮的女生來家裡作客,自大的人會因緊張而找不到東西。
  • 自大的人早上起來口氣不好?口中的細菌不對?
  • Just because it's not your plan doesn't mean it's a bad plan. Arrogant people don't like other's plans.

  • 自大的人會亂動人家房間裡的東西。不尊重人。
  • 自大的人不會安慰人。
  • 自大的人是animal,不是人。
  • 搞班上核心團體是自大嗎?不應該有小團體嗎?自大的人都會狐群狗黨。
  • 自大的人不配有健保。
  • 自大的人對自己的聲音沒有信心。
  • 自大的人不會表達情緒,要講出心裡難過的話是要有勇氣的,是要經過訓練的。自大的人以為自己poker face就可以氣勢不輸。其實是躲在面具後面,不敢把內心拿出來。是膽小的一種?就是辯論的次數不夠多。
  • 自大的人以為是為別人好,其實是為自己好。
  • 要小孩趕快長大就是一種盲目,有太多東西要學,要一步一步來,怎麼可以跳級,是長輩的錯。長一輩的很多一定是討厭鬼,自私鬼,膽小鬼。一直要人跳。是原罪,要承認需要勇氣。
  • 自大的人講話前後不一致。
  • 自大的人都教小孩不要管別人的事。不管別人家務事。就喪失了進步討論的機會。
  • 自大的人一定要別人照著他意思走,不能走偏,一走偏他就心裡起不爽。原罪?完全聽他的,跟控制女生一樣?
  • 自大的人很孤單,沒有真正的朋友。
  • 長一輩的並不懂得如何真正關心,他們只關心面子問題。
  • 用繁體字寫還感覺有優越感,就是字寫得不夠多。自大沒有關起來。
  • 自大沒關起來的結果就是會想reshape the world,因為認為世界需要他拯救。所以他認為他是救世主the one。ykw才是救世主!!!
  • 因此自大的人認爲他們不用守規矩。因為他認為他是救世主。
  • 自大的人不知道美的東西是帶刺的。如玫瑰。
  • 長一輩的一定自大。因為看不起畫畫,音樂,跳舞等充滿歷史的東西。
  • 自大的年輕氣盛的人一定反骨,因不知道歷史,是原罪?

  • 郎才女貌,天造地設的一對的想法是錯的,道德的配合更為重要,但道德要怎麼衡量?怎麼去評估一個人的道德?
  • 歧視人是原罪,且根深蒂固,要破要超強的毅力?
  • oligarchy
  • inherited wealth
  • patrimonial capitalism
  • all wrong
  • hypocricy
  • pastoral
  • 2022 5/27肚痛
  • 吃吃喝喝就是一種原罪。
  • 為何小時候都想當超人?因佔領地盤是根深蒂固的原罪,還有想要擁有比別人強的權利力量也是原罪。所以YKW應該控制了全世界!
  • 安心 = 安眠
  • 安心上路?
  • 一直想報復的人終究會失敗,因為腦波單一化固化。
  • 6/4,5 2022晚上睡不著,靜睡不能,一直想動,但到白天一直想睡,整天想睡。
  • 青出於藍,勝於藍?mofa給的原罪。
  • imagination is more important than knowledge.

Mar 25, 2022

history and humanity, part 3, anthropology

  •  很多人路上撿到東西會覺得是人家不要的,就是自私沒有為別人著想。就連梁東尼也是,以為撞爛的腳踏車放在路邊就是人家不要的。隨時都要站在別人的立場思考。才能提高道德水平。Mother知道我們的道德水平還不夠高。
  • 免費的就一直拿,就是沒有站在老闆的角度思考。
  • 朋友也笑我,自以為發明出什麼新東西,其實老早就有了。沒有人重視舊東西?早就有了還在做?新的東西比較新奇,也比較容易有成果,但舊的東西也非常值得去看需不需要整理,補強。就像踢防守一樣。
  • 最終還不是塵歸塵土歸土,有什麼差?還不如及時行樂!差多了!文明就是這樣才建立的起來!
  • 對別人好別人又不會對我好。這個世界很現實的。這就是mother給的考驗。不能因為這樣就失去道德,不管怎樣都要對別人好,就算人家對我們不好,也要以德報怨。只有每個人都這樣想,社會才會進步。所以對別人要對自己好?好像是喔!Mother Father堅守此信仰上千年。
  • 魯莽,東西容易弄壞,打破(手機,碗盤等)。就是沒有好的禮儀?
  • 年輕氣盛就是自大沒有關起來。
  • Shoes should become cheaper and cheaper over time, but instead it changes a bit and come out as the same price. Greedy.
  • 在把自大關起來之前,都很容易說錯話,說出不恰當的話。恰這個字,代表適合的心。看來國字應是mother用過並蠻高度發展的文字?但繁體字容易想不起來,以前又沒電腦可以選字,因此不得不放棄使用,轉成拼音文字。只要二十六個記憶字就可表達所有文字。以前舉人...
  • 因為狀況太多講不完就不講了,是沒耐心的一種。耐心一步步來還是可以達成進步。
  • 接力賽接棒。應是mother演的戲,看我們有沒有認真檢討與做實驗,還是只是copycat. 第二棒之後會比較混亂,因為大家擠在一起,沒有分隔開來。這應該也是mother的考驗。應該要大家有共識分隔一個人的距離,讓跑進來的人有地方可去。要不然都變成接了才跑。mother是這樣演,但其實可以更好。會有一錯誤想法,就是人家是最快的你還有什麼話說,只聽最快的說話,其他人沒有說話權。這是錯誤的。
  • 是否每個人都有說話權?每個人都說話不就聽不完?
  • 笨的人也可以投票?
  • 雖然說要重視細節,但若沒有隨時檢討自己,也可能本末倒置。中文字或許就是這樣一個例子,太過優美反而造成溝通的困難度。
  • 多才多藝,若多到連思考的時間都沒有,就本末倒置了。
  • 若不知道什麼是思考,怎麼真正去思考?奇怪,我以前也會思考啊?有,但沒有問到底?mother的考驗。
  • 就是道德良心不夠才會充滿黑心商品。
  • 會整理,但沒人想去做整理的工作,認為浪費時間。
  • 責任感的培養。
  • 太嗨了,忘我。
  • 隨時檢查,我還被笑強迫症。就是不知道重複檢查的重要性。藥劑師,採買,採購都會用上。
  • 小孩從小忘東忘西,從小就要教定期檢查,重複檢查的重要性。要設鬧鐘提醒自己。要想很多方法去提醒自己。現在都靠記憶,容易出錯忘記。
  • 放車頂會忘記,就是不能放車頂。
  • 東西不能隨便亂放,要有固定位置。
  • 麵包師傅,廚師都有一套SOP,才不會忘記到底加了什麼料。
  • 瞧不起這些人就是不知道檢查所需要的時間,精力。就是自己沒有力行。也不會教小孩。
  • 可能就是隨時把自己從嗨的狀態打落到低點,進行反覆檢查的動作。
  • SOP也要站在別人的角度去設計,自己要先去做過,身體力行,才可以。要不然寫SOP別人也看不懂,沒有站在別人的角度思考。也要反覆修改。
  • 我做SOP還被笑。我還被笑唐氏症?看來mother以前也是被笑過很長一段時間。
  • 壞事不出門,因此不會發現大家都有這個問題。
  • Mother很早就知道SOP,因出門航海很需要。這也代表我們古代應該沒有航海技術,連檢查的觀念都沒有,要如何出海?
  • 都沒在學習,都在看肥皂劇。
  • 每個人都認為自己已經夠好。不自量力,又好勝,愛逞強。
  • 我們跳過太多時代,跳過太多發現自己問題的機會,若mother不跟我們說,可能永遠都不會知道。
  • mother makes no mistakes. Sea sailing risk no mistakes.
  • 每個人從小就嚮往有無止境的power.
  • 不賺錢的就不做了。
  • 一定要出人頭地?錯,一定要做個有道德心的人。
  • 若一個人發明了一個商品,其他人就開始抄襲,會造成商品品牌太多的亂象,消費者很難購買。

  • 法律沒規定不代表就可以做。
  • 大家都在公器私用。
  • 每個人都有一個個人空間。要尊重別人的空間。比如吃飯夾菜時手肘要往內縮而不是往外擴而佔用了別人的空間。
  • 人家說不要講,但還是都把人家的秘密講出來。忘我?
  • 人家在開車的時候,不要自顧自的一直講開車的人走錯路,會影響開車的人。並且指示路時也要為開車的人設想預先提早告知,何時要轉彎,而不是到了,馬上要開車的人轉彎,危險。開車的人比較難一心二用,所以你的指示要簡單明瞭。
  • 不要因為開心就叫別人一直喝酒,說喝一點沒關係,結果都喝很多。要替人家著想。
  • 切換線道時,也要為別人預留足夠的距離,若不知夠不夠可以詢問其他乘客的感覺。
  • 雖然很夠義氣,但更好的方式是為人設想。
  • 工作都懶惰沒有在做整理。沒有寫在工作合約就不會去做。

  • 謊言,怠惰,不義,背叛,暴力,殺人,天倫理的審判。
  • 土地應該是公有的?賣土地可以賺錢應該是不義之財?好像不符合勞動變成錢然後變成成品的過程。每個人都有土地?
  • 機會主義者,能賺為什麼不賺?
  • 說自己有多成功,卻連基礎的廚餘都沒在在乎。
  • 國高中禁止談戀愛嗎?男女分班不對?談歷史,談女生的犧牲,談什麼是愛,談什麼是衝動,談要怎麼壓抑情感衝動。禁止談戀愛到幾歲?
  • 覺得不用低聲下氣問別人就做得出來,自傲。問別人要低聲下氣,放低身段,好像在求人家教。研究所時我覺得就power supply而已還要問人家很丟臉,覺得我是臺大的我應該做的出來。殊不知術業有專攻。問題很大,該驕傲時假裝謙虛,完全反了。
  • 什麼時候應該謙虛?On the shoulder of giants. 
  • 若成功了是自己做出來的,則該驕傲。若是靠別人才做出來的,則該謙虛?

  • 我們不會教小孩。我們錯誤的教育系統造成小孩錯誤的驕傲。考試系統只考記憶力,沒有考問為什麼的能力(這要怎麼考?)。遇到問題不會承認自己不會。都認為只要辛苦努力就一定有收穫。方法不對還自認為勤勞努力。
  • 不足的教育造成勝還是在驕(假謙虛,並沒有真正檢討的能力?),敗都在餒(不知道自己的價值在哪裡)。缺乏與人辯論(只要自己唸完,然後去考試就好),發展哲學(如何思考)的機會。
  • 沒有基礎,又想爭強奪冠。
  • 歷史好像是信仰,基礎很重要的一部份。
  • 當自己覺得奇怪,別人的反應怎麼是那樣的時候,可以禮貌性地問別人。是發現自己問題的機會。大部分時後我們都當沒事過了就算了,但其實是人家有發現我們有問題。
  • 大家都看不起農業,因為不知道歷史。這樣就會認為保存農業知識不重要。
  • 學生need guidance, 要不然都在親親,親親沒關係?Just for fun? 連大人都擋不住。親親若沒有愛最終會變成?久了就膩了?男生可能是,女生可能會受傷?最終都在吵架!
  • 開心的時候男生會擋不住想親女生(連小女生也會想親)。
  • 自己想像親小女生也是一種原罪。為何不行?道德的降低,聯想都會想到歪的,喝醉以後都會形成未成年犯罪。
  • 嚇人是一種原罪。對方可能會摔倒或怎樣而受傷。
  • 因為未成年少女所知道的與你所知道的差距甚大,她可能還不懂的如何拒絕,要站在未成年女生的角度思考。
  • 要親女生之前是不是要詢問啊?好像是!
  • 就算小女生主動願意也不行。
  • 要不想歪平常就不能做春夢!

  • 眼睛不能吃冰淇淋?以最高道德標準來看大概不行。
  • 請求別人要用請字。教小朋友要說請,自己卻沒有在用。
  • 送學生去田地種東西是蠻好的,但我們又沒有人真正了解真正會教。
  • society or individual?
  • 若沒有共產幫忙,他們根本不會道德綁架這行為?
  • 都在說謊,面試說謊,相親說謊,線上交友放假相片。缺乏自我價值觀。
  • 吃虧可以鍛鍊determination. 是相近的腦內波形?
  • 欺負別人者通常是懶惰成性的人。
  • 缺乏真正歷史年輕人無法真正尊重長輩。
  • 缺乏歷史,年輕人不知感恩。小孩把禮物當成理所當然。
  • 社區內溝通不足,社區會議沒有人要開,里內溝通也不足,里也無法成長進步。以自我為中心。
  • 不知道差距,每個小孩都想proof themselves,我以前還想得諾貝爾獎。
  • 男生追女生都以自我為中心,女生說不要,還是死纏爛打。詐騙電話也是。還說女生說不要就是要。
  • 台灣人稱自己善良,卻又要人以命償命,允許死刑。其實是不夠善良?

  • 大家都太急了,得要慢下來,回到發呆的狀態?回到花時間欣賞的狀態?幾點了要做什麼了,好像是一種劃地自限?六點就一定要吃飯?西班牙人都很晚吃飯?人習慣了就不喜歡改變?
  • 我們沒有漂亮的植物園可能不是因為氣候條件種不出來,而是經驗知識不足。雖然有台南公園種花活動,但都不持久。不懂的問為什麼,也沒耐心去研究。樹葉也都沒有在做堆肥,都是掃起來丟掉。
  • 只有小愛會變成物質社會,只有大愛才有辦法產生文明?
  • 所以西方個人主義不完全正確。每個人有個體自由,但不能放大?是mother給的test. 我為人人,人人為我。
  • 開心值不值得用命去犧牲?值得!開心才會有希望!
  • 拼全力為眾生,犧牲也值得!
  • 受苦贖罪。人無法逃脫內心的道德懲罰。
  • 犧牲小我完成大我(小我是指自己,不是指他人。)犧牲自己,但不犧牲任何其他人。
  • 說人是間諜,是毀謗罪。
  • 幽默感歷史上是怎麼來的?幽默感的研究是哪一科?
  • 為了把人從邪惡中拯救出來,我犧牲性命都在所不惜!
  • 不能因為女生被用過就一直介意。要完全接受。前男友也不能因親過或用過就覺得優越於現任男友。女生的角度呢?不因破處就自怨自艾?
  • 認為種田是歹命。應該不對,種田應是根本?80年代經不住mother資本主義的誘惑而走偏了?認為命不好可能就是一種放棄,懶惰?當初教種田的人沒有教歷史,造成小孩認為種田很愚蠢。雖然有颱風,有地震,吃的根本,不管怎樣都不該放棄。是mother 給的test。
  • 霸氣與流氓都非文明,溫柔與紳士才是真文明。

Mar 24, 2022

history and humanity part 2, anthropology

  •  愛用國貨,是一種偏愛,prejudice
  • hermaphrodite
  • 都沒發現為何有些陀螺儀看不到波紋運動,或在慢速時會倒。
  • Marvin Gaye 1972, trouble man
  • Ask you to sacrifice in the name of democracy.
  • Exploit your poor health to make you do what they want.
  • They only act like they know everything.
  • Deception --> I already knew.
  • privacy
  • Marrakech Essaouira
  • One of human sins: careless

  • Do other civilizations have fire or can control fire?
  • Because naturally occurring fire is a rare event in most environment?
  • Most civilizations probably have rarely or never seen fire. Maybe only the English people did. Not to mention to control fire.
  • Does Chinese people have fire?
  • If Chinese people didn't know how to control fire, how could they invent gunpowder?
  • Hand drill fire starting is a skill that requires the knowledge of friction and heat, it was not something that people would randomly do. Not all civilizations knew how to start a fire. Only English people did? 
  • English people invented the hand drill fire starting technique?
  • No fire --> no pottery

  • If you use base-60 number system, how do you represent decimal numbers?
  • There was no math for Mesopotamia base-60 system? Because you don't know 10,2 or 11,1.
  • How did they do addition?
  • Didn't see separators on the original stone.
  • Some edges of some corners are still sharp after thousand of years?!
  • Look like fabricated history of commies to win respects.
  • Seems like an advanced tool to leave a triangular mark on a stone??
  • Mesopotamia base-60 system doesn't have zero, which is essential in math operation.
  • Monogamy is more responsible and this lead to efficiency in society.
  • "Why I choose Jesus", the faith of Denzel Washington, by Breakthrough Inspiration.
  • But there're a lot of things God can't help us, like a school test. What do I do? I can't put God first in those situations?

  • kindness, respect, sympathy
  • 等待適當時機,大賺一筆。機會主義者。書:孫逸仙,by Marie-Claire Bergere
  • 中文若沒字幕容易聽不懂或聽錯?可能是因為還不夠進化?
  • 互助才是世界的未來。
  • 借錢是沒在還的,原罪。
  • 惡是可以傳染的。
  • 我們還沒進化到凡事都要問為什麼的地步。台語:問那麼多問不完拉。
  • 加油添醋,不忠於原作。聳動標題,騙無辜人民。
  • 做事不先想後果,台語:想太多。要是沒想到的狀況發生怎辦?
  • 以為超速一下沒關係,其實大家都在超速。
  • 要好好做好回收,電池等。
  • 因不夠漂亮-->自暴自棄-->想法負面(不管怎樣都是不夠漂亮)-->講話變惡毒。忘記了內心漂亮才是重要的。Gabriela Bee以前曾經漂亮,現在不漂亮,但是會作曲,大家還是喜歡她。好吧她也會叫。
  • 講話要禮貌,不要太直接。
  • 對自己好不好可以從髮型看出。
  • 要運動
  • 要聽自己講的話,反省。
  • 聽不進去,固執。經歷太多年勝利腦波已經固化。
  • 沒有失敗過。
  • boys tend to hold their tears.

  • don't have time for this. A bad habit picked up during junior and senior high schools, when the desire to explore is the biggest.
  • overwhelm by information
  • 女生都在墊水餃。
  • 成功不是以金錢定義的。
  • 以經濟上要獨立逼迫你接受不平等的工作。
  • Rocky
  • 你的工作就是把書讀好,其他的不要管。導致學生沒有學到人性,與原罪。
  • 總是想到最糟糕的狀況---原罪。要正向思考。
  • I was so worried that you would ruin everything I cared about that I didn't see you. 鴉片戰爭。Look for the good in everything. Including ourselves.
  • 凡事要靠自己,求幫忙是懦弱的表現。慈禧太后。
  • 不要一心想要靠別人,求幫忙就是認輸。
  • 不可以物質主義為中心。
  • 隨時要站在別人的角度看自己有沒有問題。
  • Check yourself before you wreck yourself. Look within before you ruin what you are doing.
  • 感恩,恩這個字,就是把自大關起來,並放在心上,才有辦法感恩。
  • 我求你了,our children are so late in education that they think they don't need to worry about their lives now. They don't care about their life. Their life is full of frustrations and disappointments. And they are not sober.

  • 承認自己有問題也是超難的一件事。
  • Our children are very vulnerable. They don't know how to protect themselves.
  • We are all judgmental, when we should check ourselves before we wreck ourselves.
  • Be in other's shoes, empathy, looking through your eyes, set in our ways
  • 急於求成,忘了根本。
  • 需要淋場雨找找自己。
  • 眼盲心靜
  • 盲從的缺失。以為美國是最大的,學美國的準沒錯。大家都這麼做,你要跟大家不一樣嗎?
  • 若繼續盲從,將會遭遇大失敗。
  • 多才多藝,認為自己比別人更多工處理,比別人能力高一些。有人掩瞞我們在人性與科技上都落後外國人的事實。差太多了。
  • 奧林匹亞強都是靠大量做題+   假的,大家都這麼做所以就跟著做?
  • 不能以成敗論英雄。
  • 雖然我們可能在演化上輸人家,要追上也不太可能的樣,但只要內心求真,與自己比較有穩健成長,還是可以活的精彩快樂。
  • Big Feb 15/2022
  • BIG Feb 17/2022

  • 我以為只有我借東西沒有還,照這樣看來是所有人都是借了沒有在還。與人的懶惰,自私有關?跟原始人拿在手上就認為是自己的一樣,因此是一種原始人罪惡。要還要有決心去破。
  • 很浪費。安全帽都隨便掛在機車鏡子上,下雨淋濕也不管,臭了再買新的就好。
  • Everybody wants to do the new stuff, nobody cares to repeat and verify the old stuff. This is a test from mother father.
  • 學生要唸的東西太多了。沒有進行整理就要學生全部念進去,變成學生吾圇吞棗,一知半解,食古不化。因美國這樣做,就學美國,連想都沒想。問題來了,都在依樣畫葫蘆。
  • 在一中踢足球穿釘鞋很傷膝蓋,就沒人聽得進去,連考慮都不考慮。就全世界都在做就認為不會錯。一中場地不適合穿釘鞋。沒有思考能力。其實有一個人有試過,穿平底鞋來踢,但因為動作會變慢還有會滑就放棄了。動作變慢正是保護膝蓋的原因。會滑也是保護膝蓋的原因。另外變慢會滑更可以訓練基本的腳步與平衡感。但多數人都不重視根本,都只想用快來贏。另外全部的人都只想踢進攻,沒人想踢防守,也可看出端倪。嘴上會說要慢要穩,但私下都在求快。
  • 教授都只在衝論文的量,根本不重質量。公司都只在衝專利的數量。已經很久了,可能二十三十年來都是這樣。Feb 19/2022

  • 若真心認錯,我們也是可以原諒他。
  • 大家都不環保,很浪費。也不懂的整理的重要性。塑膠杯用一大堆,都是一次性使用。
  • 相信上帝,上帝會原諒你。
  • 不能因為我們長得醜陋就自暴自棄,言行無舉止,更要隨時反思自己的言行,以提高自己的道德言行。提升別人的觀感。別人的觀感是重要的!我也要加強。
  • 到現在還是教英美是殖民主義。
  • 醫療系統及全民健保是做得很好的?至少沒有去學去抄歐美的,但還是有要改進的地方。
  • 光的名稱,歷史。根本的發現,歷史。
  • 情緒的轉換速度越快越聰明?
  • 平民百姓的吃的東西都沒在進步了,別人可是偷偷一直在進步。
  • 我們比較高傲?『謝謝妳的付出』或『手套會不會濕掉』等關心別人的語句會說不出口,是一種高傲?女生較不會有這種問題ㄟ 。關心的情緒腦波較少被使用。有想到但講不出口。是一種放不下身段的感覺。事實上是情緒的切換不夠熟練。自尊與放下身段的情境切換要經常訓練,每天訓練。所以每天要說我愛妳。但會不會需要男性自尊時會翹不起來啊?變娘們?可能不會,只是開發一塊新的情緒腦波,舊有的並沒有消失。好處多多,放下身段的情緒訓練足夠了才有辦法反省自己的缺失,才能夠看清事實,才能夠再求進步。經常認錯,才能以不同的腦波看待問題。不能只有高傲腦波。雖然女生先天上力量較小,正因如此她們才經常練習放下身段的腦波,所以女生看待事情的角度比較廣?比較多?比較聰明。

  • 老爸應該花點錢去學點音樂藝術之類。父母親要自己學,而不是要小孩子學。沒時間就是為公司付出了太多。音樂藝術也要open the gate.
  • 惡整美國人
  • 一廂情願,都沒考慮別人。
  • 我們跳過了繩子繩結時代,也跳過了幾何時代,也跳過了農業時代。
  • 認為美國強是因為得天獨厚,完全沒想到基本基礎的培養。不對喔,是mother故意讓我們以為如此。
  • 講那麼多做什麼,做就對了。錯誤觀念。人要很多的溝通,要耐心溝通,要花時間要耐心。而不是自己說了算。
  • 非常貪心,自己卻不知道。
  • 父母不知道如何教孩子羞恥心。我也不會。
  • 隨時檢討自己有沒有什麼問題。
  • 沒有跟好友講好像不是很好,其實就是很不好!是一種自私?看來到處都在發生。沒有考慮到別人的感受?其實有,但不在乎?原始人不在乎的原罪。覺得自己現在這邊比較重要,要是沒交到怎麼辦?有點見色忘友。朋友間會產生縫隙。
  • 男女都要練習禁慾思想,要不然飽暖都在思慾。兩個禮拜一天?一直在不要想不要想,也沒辦法想其他事情啊?
  • 我們也不會教機率(國中)。
  • 族譜都不清不楚,哪裡來都不知道。
  • 還得要人家願意教我們,要不然我們完蛋了。

  • 可能就是沒有教正確的歷史,造成孩子沒有從失敗中汲取經驗,沒有學到怎麼檢討自己,造成無法進步。歷史還是很重要的。要進步,認錯是第一步。失敗經驗的歷史,是一個很好學習檢討自己的機會,卻沒有掌握住。缺歷史。
  • 失敗-->不是我的錯-->反覆失敗-->承認錯誤-->檢討自己-->進步。失敗才會從不同角度看事情,才看得清事實。
  • 不要害怕輸,輸與認錯才是進步的起點。
  • 輸會沒自信,這樣孩子會抬不起頭,這樣怎麼跟人競爭?這是個人吃人的社會,社會很陰險。錯了,這是mother給的考驗,看你有沒有忠於真心良心,還是因為社會陰險就走偏,一樣變陰險。抬不起頭是不會教孩子才抬不起頭。從錯中學,是很勇敢的事。
  • 之前就說過,只有失去自由,難過痛哭,才有辦法重生。才有辦法開發腦內缺乏的那塊腦波。mother's game. Empathy.
  • 認為桌遊很無聊,是書呆子才玩的東西。但桌遊是一種一開始注重細節,後期可以產生巨大差異的遊戲。可以培養基本與耐心。
  • 不敲門就直接開門進去,是沒有考量到別人感受。
  • 喜歡找藉口,不對,要先自己反省。有問題都要先檢討自己之後,再檢討別人。很重要。才是紳士與淑女。耍流氓社會無法進步。
  • 嘲笑看起來比較笨的人。原罪。
  • 連書包的雨衣都沒人想得出來,只有梁東尼有想到。並不會未雨綢繆?雨衣都變成拋棄式,浪費。這都是mother的考驗。
  • 當初派人出去學最新的科技就是不合適的,連基礎都沒建立起來,就要學最新的東西?人家基礎可是打了上千年。但那時候我們也不知道我們跟別人的差距有多大就是了。所以也怪不得他們。但現在知道了錯誤就要勇於認錯,才有辦法重新站起來。
  • 有運動會比較開心?但似乎沒人去研究運動對學生的影響,都是引用國外的研究,就不重視或根本沒想到這基本的問題。除了多巴安,運動還有啥好處?一,平常就要維持肌肉,以備不時之需?二,比較不會感冒?有證明嗎?三,會童顏?

  • democracy and freedom are impossible without education. 沒有正確的教育是不會有民主與自由的。
  • 勤能補拙,多練就會。看來是不夠的,不會思考還是不行的。
  • 什麼是思考?思考從哪裡來?人類何時開始思考?
  • mother很早就遇到沒時間的問題,累積的知識太多。他知道我們如果不整理一定也會遇到。說現代人沒時間是mother故意講的,考驗。事實上是我們上一代的人剛引進知識,時間比較多。
  • 沒有真的歷史,我們不知道我們是誰?還以為我們有千年歷史而驕傲。Please, open your eyes.
  • Where did you receive your training?
  • 及時行樂不對,有太多古代的知識要學。
  • 女生也要禁慾,在上帝面前下跪。
  • 性對未成年兒童的影響。練習站在小孩的角度來看事情。
  • reinventing the wheel就是mother故意講的。忠的考驗。
  • 國高中是否該禁止談戀愛?
  • 該怎麼愛懷孕的老婆?變醜就不愛了?
  • 有些人抵擋不住色情的誘惑,看不出情色手遊就是騙人的東西。很多人都如此。被騙很多錢。第一,太誇張。第二,沒有東西是免費的。若有免費的,都要問自己是不是騙人的。
  • 信上帝,人生的最後才不會是悲傷的。
  • 我以為自己已經很公平了,但還是會偏袒可愛的。這代表大家都在偏袒可愛的。
  • 我們的教育已經遠遠落後於別人,要趕緊認錯,才能開始進步。要不然永遠停滯不前。
  • 孩子都以為自己在做自己不喜歡做的事情。不知道培養基本的重要性。

  • 停滯不前就會走向滅亡。
  • 圈住自由,菱角,與脾氣。
  • 女生呢?女生也一樣嗎?
  • 不要說我看起來很溫和,柔柔的,我不喜歡。我聲音溫和,但我不喜歡唱溫和的歌給別人聽。是一種自願戴上的金窟咒。流氓霸道才是導致社會走向滅亡的原罪。紳士與淑女才是社會進步的基石。
  • 正義有時短時間只看得到一點結果,但長時間下來最終可以戰勝邪惡。mother堅持真理上千年的結果。要有耐心。
  • mother的標準非常高,一些比較鹹濕的春夢都做不得,如齊人之福。青少年的A片也不能看。平常不能做的事也不能在A片中獲得滿足,會在腦中留下不好的腦波,種下邪惡的種子。因此看A片也是不好的。
  • 由於想法污穢,因此創造出的作品都是腥羶色,由大眾文學,小說,電影,戲劇可看出一般。充滿心機狡詐,沒有狡詐還沒有人要看。腦波被污穢思考固化住。小孩子不會,小孩子想像力無限。想像力創造力也是需要培養的。大家都以為想一下沒關係,又不會去做。但就會體現在創造力的表現上。
  • 腦中不能有邪淫思想,要多灌輸正面向上思想,才能夠有新的創造力。原始人缺乏創造力,因腦波固化。腦波是需要培養訓練的。多數創造力培養的機會我們都不屑一顧。短期看不出成果的就不會去做。如畫畫。
  • Improve as a person.
  • 培養得好,老了可以很有創造力。觀察不同的物種,想像不同物種的生活方式,擴展想像力-->spider-man!創造力!
  • 我們並沒有想像力,不過都在抄襲罷了。也沒有站在其他物種思考的能力,如何會有想像力呢?因此回到之前所說,原始人無法創造,都是靠偷在創造。
  • 每個人都得以最高的道德標準來做事,絲毫馬乎不得。社會才會進步。一個人馬乎,就代表多數人都在馬乎。
  • 排斥不同於自己的人種也是一種原罪。外國人與狗不得進入。
  • 廣闊胸襟,男兒志在四方。mother的考驗。在沒有了解原始人自大原罪之前,說這兩句是讓你誤入歧途。
  • 要是這些考驗都是女生想出來的,那我會很尊重女生。
  • 問這有什麼應用就是太快下結論。雖然最後考量現實面是值得問一下,但或許不是聊個幾句就問有什麼應用。這樣就會錯過其中的奧秘,錯過學習的機會。
  • 被老爸訓練成茶來伸手飯來張口?不會問為什麼。還是他就是不想讓平民問為什麼?

Mar 23, 2022

history and humanity part 1, anthropology

  •  They taught humans how to build and worshipped as gods.
  • Calligraphy
  • subtraction. There are no subtraction in commies' history? No.
  • label things in English
  • sing a song
  • Aztec calendar is a fake. It's made of concrete, but at that time concrete hasn't been invented yet?
  • Aztec calendar sun stone base 10? (fake)
  • To carve a stone you need a lot of iron tools. Sometimes stone is just too hard for the iron tools to carve. So stone carving is impractical. Impossible. Fake.
  • The average amount of vocabulary of an average American is much more than that of a Chinese(average).
  • Commies don't pay people, they cut corners.

  • When translating English names, most Chinese books doesn't include the real English names, only gives the translated names.
  • What's the physical explanation of mixing blue and red color turning into black color? Pigment size?
  • never takes photos no more
  • Hamilton dynamics is so intricate that only mothers can invent it.
  • Stone painting in caves is probably fake? At ancient time only plant-based inks are available. Those inks won't last long. (plant pigment in honey?)
  • eye evolution? ability to discern subtle color differences.
  • Why there are no female painters in medieval time?
  • If we can get black color from mixing colors, why do we need black ink in printers?
  • Weird, moon's appearance doesn't change much in a month. After a month, moon return to new moon more or less. There should be two times every year that earth will block the sun light to the moon. Lunar eclipse. Blood moon.
  • What tool do they use to measure the period of moon?
  • Prediction of blood moon --> witchcraft

  • Only for saving people can we use the method from green arrow?
  • In bronze and Iron Age, you need copper and iron ore. But ore are hard to locate and identify. So how come every civilization has copper and iron ore? in bronze and Iron Age.
  • Bog iron ore hunter?
  • The children of other people are less important than our own. Barbarian sin.
  • Kept their subject drunk and distracted so they don't recognize how oppressed they were.
  • Hate becomes your reason for living when you've lost everything that you love.
  • Forgiveness is something you give to yourself.

  • The existence of metal in five basic elements is understood only by English people. Same with the knowledge of metal. Because metal doesn't occur naturally on earth. They take their form of oxide. It's very hard to extract metal from their oxide. So ancient people won't include metal in five basic elements. Only people who know the knowledge of metal will include metal in basic elements.
  • It probably takes ton of knowledge to locate wells of water. At ancient time probably only English people can do it.
  • Since 1977, there has been no death penalty under French law.
  • Did apes know the concept of organizing?
  • 1885 astronomy, chemistry are popular science, 2005 trash
  • 防火梯
  • stock is against god's will, if people are not educated enough.
  • Music box is the only way to listen to music at home in the 19th century.
  • The greatest sins in human history have been committed in the name of love.
  • True history has context.
  • Never met my relatives on my father's side.
  • You'll find your solution where you least suspect it.
  • People who speak Spanish are probably more evolved than us because they can vibrate their tongues. Thailand and nearby countries are probably more evolved than us too because
  • 12 hours are from 12 horoscopes?
  • an hour is 60 minutes is from stars, because there are many starts in an hour?
  • Kepler needs tiny increment to measure the position of stars.
  • Millie Bobby Brown is a little bit rude? Because her eye contact with Ellen is not long enough. Just a little bit, because when with Fallon, she won't insist on speaking when both are speaking.

  • People obey because they think they have no other choice.
  • Fight for future, don't fight for revenge.
  • word game (scramble?) --> advanced languages have word games.
  • Only focus on times being right, forgetting times being wrong. Irrafable?
  • adding machine
  • European people have better memory. They have total recall. They are more evolved. Spanish too.
  • My chair is badly designed. Bad for my back.

  • 寫實派畫家應該比印象派畫家重要,因為他們紀錄了歷史,重要人物的畫像,戰爭的畫像,等等。全世界的教育都過度強調印象派,忽略了寫實派的重要性。mother's test.
  • 探險大部分時間都是一望無際的等待。
  • never think of my pet 甜甜
  • 木頭無法融化,古人用最多的就是木頭。那古人如何解釋木頭的三態?
  • 原始人並不勇敢。但有信仰的人,可以變得很勇敢。視死如歸。這就是哲學?納粹主義?
  • I'll fight for your cause. Not through fear and manipulation, but through compassion and reason
  • 大概只有安格魯人有Iron age 或玻璃, 因一沒有夠熱的火爐,二沒有鐵礦。
  • copper cyprus
  • 我們都忽略了木器時代,石器時代之前是木器時代,還應該加上繩結時代。
  • 原始人喜歡看好戲,看人自相殘殺,原罪。
  • 原始人排外傾向,原罪。
  • Egypt, Greece, China無進位觀念,就無加法。無進位觀念就需要很多符號表示數字。有進位觀念就可重複使用數字1~9來表示所有整數。這觀念不知是否人類等了上千年?place holder。應該是英國人發現進位觀念與加減乘除。+法過人?一百減四無法形成100-4=96因爲進位觀念。無加減法。加法出現之前可能是用counting board.
  • 德國人很嚴謹,是因為mother英國人很嚴謹。
  • 傳統弓箭(能拿來打獵的)應該非常難做,應該只有嚴謹的英國人才做得出來。
  • 英國人因為打繩結訓練頭腦上千年,因此在演化上頭腦已經比其他國家的人都更進步?可分成十二階級?
  • 聽力也更發達?絕對音感更普遍。

  • I always have a plan.
  • 只有承認自己錯誤後才有辦法真正客觀。腦內波型的關係,承認錯誤後才有辦法用未開發的腦波去思考更寬廣的角度。
  • mother已經找到不用殺生的吃的方式。
  • 只有真的沒辦法才能使用green vigilante的伸張正義的方式?
  • 時間的長短month?四季?
  • bayesian principle
  • Before Newton, ancient people already knew F proportional to mv^2/r, from circular motion.
  • Human used to be polygamous, meaning multi-husband, multi-wife. Children are taken care of by near-by adults. There're no father, mother, son, daughter. Children didn't know who is their father or mother.
  • Ancient people are arrogant. They think they know everything. So when they see new technology they won't think what good it may bring them. Me too, when I saw iPhone 13. We only think of the bad side!!! It's natural. So we have to look again.
  • New is bad. Old is good. Because old means it stands the test of time. But the new stuff brought by mother has already passed the test of time. We don't need to test it again. It can save us hundreds of years. We see new as dangerous.
  • Honor is the backbone of civilization. To be or not to be.
  • If Chinese civilization didn't have fire, how can they have ceramics?
  • geometry
  • eunuch
  • What does it mean when a sparrow slightly spreads it's wings and chirping and lowering it's body and jumping around?
  • Human's natural state is to be slave, be loyal to a leader. Like lots of animals.

  • jealousy
  • sense of inferiority, low-self worth
  • too defensive
  • lack of openness
  • all human are human, love all human
  • no sharing
  • Secrets are what make crimes possible?
  • Water and land belong to everyone? But one can have private house and money?
  • One has to be responsible for his work?
  • now.getxtra-pc.io
  • 一般人根本沒時間進修
  • this means war
  • coming to America
  • 12/25 spectre, Japan
  • 台灣有點壞掉了
  • 得意忘形。二戰後美國沒有一場戰爭是打贏的。

  • Sex under 18 years old should be banned. Sex before marriage probably should be banned too. Because from the moment after sex, trouble comes. First you will all the time be worried if the female gets pregnant. It will last 1~3 months. If you are unlucky and the female gets pregnant, then the trouble will follow you for ever, if you are not prepared. Even if you choose to abort the child, the guiltiness of killing will follow you for ever. It's the worries that will bother you all the time. Sex is not a easy and enjoyable thing.
  • You may experience anger and regret for not letting go of your sexual desire. But it can be fixed by intense exercises.沒有發洩慾望的後悔,不安,不開心,生氣。
  • 社區會議沒有人要參加。一盤散沙。
  • Everyone just wants to know what's the next big thing?
  • How to deal with bullying!!!
  • The drawback of porn is when you hear a teenage girl is raped by a gangster, the porn scene emerge in your head. Kind of turned on. You should feel empathy instead.
  • When we see weird people, your parents teach us to stay away, not report to police or something. They teach us to don't care.
  • 不做最強的,就是被吃掉。
  • 你不拿,照樣有人會拿走。到時候又有什麼意外,划不來。與上一點一樣都是絕對化了。
  • 潘威廉 廈門大學。麻泊賽
  • makerpro.cc
  • www.learnwihkak.com

  • 百年孤寂,magical realism, 九把刀
  • TW is not at the wheels of our bodies. TW needs help.
  • 2022 Jan 29 Bloodshot
  • controlling, omnipotent, selfish 我大學時期三項全中。
  • 我們內心深處認為我們比黑人高等,文明。
  • 從小被教導贏就是棒,輸就是差的腦波。害怕輸。錯誤的教育。因此經常害怕。經常比較。害怕變成了下意識反應。活在恐懼中。不開心不快樂。因此常以控制權來減少自己的害怕。害怕-->經常做惡夢,睡不好。要學會正確輸的心態。
  • 不做第一,風景不會變。sled dog race.凡事都要爭第一。
  • 因為,一,沒有哲學觀,二,認為錢最重要。所以,什麼事都做得出來,偷拐搶騙。
  • What does it mean to be human?
  • 都太直接,不會委婉,從沒低頭過。
  • 看不起衣服破爛的人。看不起沒錢的人。
  • 陽具崇拜。
  • 很會講但不會去做。一般人是去做過實做過後才會講。沒做過就會講是從小就會說謊的類型。知道光說不練(講垃圾話)的好處。但很少被拆穿過。喜歡取巧。自然演化的話多數人都是這樣子?祢已看過太多遍。

Mar 22, 2022

Love and Thunder part 3

  • To navigate, first, you need maps! Compass is not enough. You can't go straight with a compass. You will shift laterally without knowing it.
  • Is Silk Road true or fake?
    • So Silk Road is probably fake, because there is no road(so you can't use carts with wheels). And there are some landscapes that you simply can't cross (walking on sand in desert is hard, not to mention horse walking. It is simply too hot to cross a dessert.). You can't really use horses because your destinations don't necessary have grass.  And it is impossible to carry grass with you. And there is no maps to navigate (no records of maps), and there's no records of planning.
    • Ancient shoes are very uncomfortable, people simply could't walk for long distances.
    • What if someone gets sick in the middle of the trip and can't walk? and there is no village nearby?
    • There are always a group of great explorers, not just one. Marco Polo weird.
    • Marco Polo weird
      • How to trade resources with different tribes?
        • In order to communicate with different tribes, how many languages does Marco Polo speak?
        • Does Marco Polo have security guards? Trespassing? What happened when Marco Polo encounter thieves or gangsters?
        • Horse-back riding is impossible to endure long distance.
        • Where is Marco Polo's description of China?
        • Marco Polo's name never appeared in Chinese books?
      • Some natural obstacles are simply impossible to cross for Marco Polo, e.g. valleys, rivers, deserts.
      • How did Marco Polo navigate? Jump between small tribes/cities? So with a compass? And maps?

      • Why didn't Marco Polo keep a diary?
      • Portolan charts.
      • Marco Polo shouldn't have the maps to complete the Silk Road journey. It took too many maps.
      • An expedition will generally have a doctor, who takes care of sick members, a botanist, who collect edible greens, which provides essential vitamins, a navigator, who leads the road, and a captain. Also a vet, who takes care of the animals. Is it possible to provide food for so many people?
  • Map is still the main tool of navigation at sea, near shore of course.
  • Off-shore sailing is dangerous w/o knowing your position.
  • Ancient people would avoid getting lost on land, because it's dangerous. Not to mention on sea.
  • 鄭和下西洋 is probably fake? Off-shore sailing was dangerous, lacking water bases, no wind.
  • Ancient Whale hunting is fake. Whale is too heavy to be pulled.
  • When things break, lazy people don't fix it, they replace it. That's wrong. Mother's test. Right to repair movement.
  • Horse mystery. Horse feet. Horse hoot?
  • On a ship that is constantly moving, it is very hard to use astrolabe accurately enough to navigate. James Cook is probably fake. Map is still the main tool. Near-shore sailing of course.
  • Waves history. How ancient people understand ocean waves, and how they develop it into wave theory?
  • Corset history. When did bras become invented? When did underwear become invented?
  • English people was the only civilization that could recognize the concept of time?
  • Commies don't build safe exits in tunnels. No stairs no exists. Fire hazard.
Christopher Columbus
  • Use a compass to navigate?
  • If you haven't been to a place, how can you be sure that the compass will point north there? Ancient people didn't know that the compass always pointed north, because there were places they simply couldn't go. Plus they didn't know the origin of earth's magnetic field.
  • So Columbus couldn't cross the Atlantic Ocean using a compass? It was fake? No one could cross the Atlantic Ocean w/o a map. Plus, a compass wasn't invented until 19th century?
  • Ancient people probably did notice that compass points north, but they don't know the reason. And they wouldn't use it on expeditions because they weren't sure if it's going to work.
  • It is not enough to navigate using only compass. A compass couldn't lead you straight.
  • The first people to discover North America probably went through Iceland, Greenland, Newfoundland and then to North America. Or they went through the long route, through India, China, Alaska, establishing a base in Seattle.
  • If compass was invented very late, ancient people probably didn't know north, So getting lost means death. Map is crucial.
  • Sailing across the ocean with no anchoring is impossible, ship would drift away at night when crew are asleep.
  • How and when did ancient people form the concept of East, West, North, and South?
  • How and when did ancient people find out that polar star isn't rotating?
  • It seemed impossible to cross Atlantic Ocean without navigation(clocks) and steam engines. So how did US become independent as early as 1776, just tens of years after navigation is invented and steam engine invented?

setting up water bases
  • Ancient people couldn't leave water source very far because they can't carry water with them.
  • Roman Empire conquering Europe is fake?! Fake stories intended to win respect.
  • To travel long distance (on land or by sea), you need water storage. How did they store water and how did they access the water? With a valve? Valves hadn't been invented yet.
  • To store water for a-hundred-people ship was impossible. So we need to set bases for water storage along the shore/route. The bases needed constant resupply.
  • So an expedition couldn't go too far in one go. They needed to set up water bases. And it required a lot of planning.
  • Even in the 20th century, there are civilizations that haven't invented cloth, lived in primitive world.
  • Percy Fewcett was fake?
    • Horses couldn't be on expeditions, because they need to eat grass. You don't see expeditions carry grass with them. And your destination doesn't necessarily have grass. Grass is too bulky to carry.
    • Horses are farm animal. They aren't suitable for expeditions.
    • It took a long time to train one horse. To have an army of horses like it's shown in a movie is quite impossible
  • These stories existed only to make us respect the old. So people naturally invented fake stories to win respect.
  • the big questions of "How"
    • How did peasants keep track of the date?
    • How can we go to a spot where no land exists on any map?
    • US's first lighthouse was in Oregon?
    • How many civilizations know how touse animal skin as clothes?
    • How many civilizations know how to make shoes?
    • How many civilizations know how to make chalk, ink, maps?
    • How many civilizations know the stars actually rotate in the sky?
    • How many civilizations know about farming?
  • What did church teach people in the 6th century? Did they already know sin? Spreading the badness of sin?
  • I thought sin is for later people. But father was once primitive too, so they had sin too.
  • Church taught people everything, including believes.
  • Church are basically teachers.
  • In 5th century, did church tell people that Christ sacrifice for them?
  • Church --> witch-hunt
    • I thought church people are the openness. This means at that time the acceptance of the church was not open enough.
    • Middle age 5th - 15th
    • Dark age 5th - 10th
    • witch-hunt 1450 - 1750
  • Why communists created so many lies? They want to control the whole world. They want to control USA!!

  • Sensitive feelings are developed first in women apes, men comes later.
  • Horses are great swimmers?
  • Horses are good at directions but they can't create maps.
  • Girls and English people have better smelling ability. They can tell the ingredients apart just by smelling them.

  • What happened to multi-languages webpages? No longer appeared in algorithms search results. Kind of facilitates geo-locking.
  • "unwilling to learn new knowledge and advanced tech.

  • Paper was invented real early. But to produce in large quantity it took a long time. So it was until the ned of middle age that paper could be produced in large quantity?
  • Speaking and hearing was developed much earlier than reading and writing. Most people in middle age were illiterate. Paper weren't popular! Did kings kept their history in words in writings?
  • So characters probably became popular at the same time as the printing press. Characters probably developed at the same time as the printing press? Paper was made popular slightly earlier than that.
  • How did civilizations paint on cave wall if they have no fire? They couldn't see. Could cave paintings be fake? Communists would create fake cave paintings just to fake and enrich their own history.
  • At least one person per household (Must be the head of house?) could read? Where did that person learn reading from? Bibles were written in Latin?
  • Letters are needed when students wanted to learn on their own, so they don't need to wait for the teachers to speak and answer them.

  • In middle age, paper weren't popular, but it's something you can buy. There were probably paper store.
  • Botanists would, I think, draw the edible plants on paper, with what painting tools? In 15th century.
  • When did pets domestication occur? Animals used to be food? When did people start training animals like dogs, horses? When plantation starts. Dogs are used to herd sheep.
  • If commies could lie about cave paintings, they could lie about anything else, like language origin.
  • Math needs to be written on paper. Did church teach people math? Geometry also needs paper, rulers and right angles.
  • Fire was very rarely seen. So it couldn't be one of the five basic elements.
  • Metals were rare too. It was ver hard to extract metal from ore. So it couldn't be one of the five basic elements.
  • China probably didn't invent anything they claim they invented. Mind control of communist party.
  • Who invented the wheels and how?
  • Bells <-- discovered from clanging metal cups!

  • Spanish people probably first established bases in South America, hence the language stayed.
  • Because astronomy is a popular science, English people, students can advance and train their brain so their brain is more clever. Map making, 3D->2D. Calendar! - year, month, day
  • Astrolabe is an instrument so delicate that only English people can invent it.
  • Only using a compass can't navigate.

Kepler planet motions
  • How did Kepler know the distances of planets from sun? On the shoulders of giants! And how did he know the periods?
  • Where did the data come from? There are probably a huge amount of people and efforts studying this, because at that time, astronomy is a big deal! Probably the whole Royal academy is into this problem.
  • Relative to earth-sun distance? Hold on, who is rotating who? Maybe Mars-Earth distance is more correct? But this distance varies a lot! Distances to the earth are the data we measured on earth.
  • ?? To measure the distance of planets, first we measure the size by measuring how long the planet covers the moons, then we can estimate how far by converting size to angle.
  • Before month is created, ancient people just say day 321?
  • Fathers are very good at animals, they can tell animal's emotions?
  • Why a flock of birds won't collide when they fly and turn?
  • Month - zodiac are related
  • Taiwan is so near China that it's impossible Taiwan is not mind-controlled by China.
  • Helio solar god rides on for horses --> there were no horse carriages invented at that time?
  • my pronunciation is never right.
  • Dr. Becky's youtube, speed of light

  • Commies cover-up. In ancient times, before erasing is possible, the Chinese writing style leaves no space for typo correction. English does have a line of empty space. Chinese doesn't seem to have it. Impractical.
  • Chinese doesn't seem to have comma sentence structure to connect two sentences? All sentences are independent?
  • Calligraphy on paper with right-to-left column-wise writing is simply impractical. Have to raise your hands? in mid air? Impractical --> meaning it is probably not used by most people. Or there was no calligraphy. Commies' lies.
  • great teacher --> fun childhood. How record player works? Compare vinyl and DVD disks. How vinyl disks are made?

phonetic language
  • Phonetic language is probably more advanced than 語素文字。
  • 拼音文字只要二十六個字就可表示所有文字。
  • Chinese characters are a memory burden. logogram, phonogram
  • The problem of Chinese characters clearly emerges when it comes to keyboard input. To input a word we need to resort to it's sound, and the shape of the word becomes extra burden and useless.
  • But strictly speaking, English is not entirely phonetic? Mother's test?
  • Hearing ability. European people have better hearing ability. They can separate different instruments in a song. Spainish song is a good start. Salsa.
  • Not enough vocabulary, needs lots of words to describe things.
  • In order to remember shape of the word, the drawback is one will have not enough vocabulary.
  • 為方向,樹木取名字
  • shape -> sound
  • If you use shape for naming, you still need to have a sound for it because you need sound to communicate. If you use sound for naming, you lose the shape meaning, but you gain more due to simplicity. You just need to remember once.
  • Logogram - inferior, phonogram - superior
  • logogram doesn't tell you how to pronounce the word.
  • Logogram is not for communication, they are useful in road signs, etc.