Apr 21, 2016


  1. 被老闆用不正當手段威嚇,如何保護自己,隨時做好準備
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  6. 為自己爭取權利
  7. 現在的人真的好幸福好棒棒,連基本勞動權利都要自己爭取
  8. 國小到高中的教育好文http://blog.yam.com/eoiss/article/184001829
  9. the American old and vintage spirits are fading.
    One thing I like about the country, not America, I lived in is I can see sparrows every single day. Well, not only sparrows but all species of birds, but sparrows are the most common. When I was in the states I felt like I remembered I didn't see sparrows this often. I did see a wild woodpecker in the balcony one time, but that's only one time in my ten years in the states in big cities. I saw eagles once in a while. Here I see all kinds of different birds every single day, even in big cities. I even saw one time two sparrows quarreling and wrestling and there is a third sitting on the fence squeching or yelling, and time and time again used it's head to push the losing sparrow, "get up!", almost like it has put a lot of money in the pot.
    "Sparrow? What do you want to say about this plain subject?", you may wonder. One good thing about the old America is people were strong but at the same time their profiles were low. We can see this from the surname they had and passed on. Sparrow is a surname. You got to be very content in your heart to bear a bird's name in your surname. But no doubt you can go big. In the movie Pirates of the Caribbean, Captain Jack Sparrow has this surname. Although his signature is kind of peculiar, at the end of the day (or in the big scheme of things), he is the one who kicked ass. Eagles, woodpeckers are special, appealing and eye-catching. But in the end it probably comes down to the inside. Stay low to jump high.
  10. https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1478190631.A.907.html

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